Culture profoundly impacts every aspect of society, and church communities are no exception. From...

Culture profoundly impacts every aspect of society, and church communities are no exception. From...
Cultural identity plays a significant role in how individuals relate to their faith and church...
Churches do not only reflect the cultures in which they exist but also significantly influence...
Cultural changes impact all societal institutions,...
As Christianity spreads globally, cultural sensitivity becomes increasingly important for...
WHAT WE DO: We celebrate, support and promote Christians and Christians in the entertainment industry across the board.
WHO WE ARE: We are on a mission to utilize our various media platforms in a cutting edge way to showcase the many gifts in the body of Christ to encourage and uplift one another and have fun!
HOW TO CONNECT: Hit us up at or at 818.822.2259 if you wish to partner with us as we position our brand to go global for Christ! #EMPOWERED2SHINE #MARK16:15
The interplay between adolescents and spirituality is a vibrant and often intricate dance, shaped...
Adolescence is a transformative period marked by significant physical, emotional, and...
The teenage years are often characterized by self-exploration and identity formation, a period...